Out & Abouts: Pink Mango

I feel so ridiculously spoiled knowing that I have a yogurt bar down the street from my house. What I love the most about it is that it's run by a husband and wife as a small retirement idea. I love supporting small business when I can as they really add character to a community. This is one of the main reasons that I started my Out & Abouts series, so that I can spread the good word about them.

What I love the most about the Pink Mango is how laid back the atmosphere is. This place gets most of their foot traffic from the neighborhood and the video store next door. Most of the people come in will tell you that they're picking up some yogurt for a movie night.If your not up for yogurt they also do smoothies, coffee, boba, and waffles. You can go as healthy or as indulgent as you want! From flax-seed to sweetened condense milk they have it all.

I also love the great variety of fruits that they have on top of their decadent toppings. They also come up with some delicious yogurt flavors that they change up each week. I'm in love with their papaya, red velvet, angel food cake, and watermelon sorbet. This time I went for a tart and papaya yogurt with loads of fruits, almonds, and mochi. Mmm I'm such a sucker for fruit and cream anything.

I should mention how epic their waffles are! They can mix anything that they have into the batter. Eugene's quite the opposite in taste preference than me as he's a chocolate lover! His waffle was a nutella batter waffle with gingerbread yogurt, hot fudge, and a tiny bit of fruit. It was sinful! Its always so funny how opposite we can be.

It was a quaint date and yogurt can be so fun and laid back. It makes for the best conversations at times. What's your favorite toppings?

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