Two Pieces of My Heart, Together in One Heartbeat (Lets Play Catch Up)

Happy weekend afternoon!

Before I continue onward with the rest of my posts. I think it would be best to give this blog a chance to breathe and catch up. It's been almost 7 years since the first post was made here and so much has changed since.

This blog began with the name Tea Spectral.
In 2012 this was a perfect explanation for me; flitting about on the regular from tea shop to tea shop.It had become a lifestyle for me. Trying every tea that I could get my hands on was a major part of my life. It was an escape from the struggles that I had when I returned back home. I won't go into detail, as I think sharing about it would aid no good at this point. Blogging was in its heyday around this time, and to see how others lived really gave me a sense of hope. The idea of seeing different alternative lifestyles to myself really allowed me to question what was out there for me. Since tea was something that brought be so much happiness I thought of nothing better than to open a blog to share my tea experiences with others. Tea Spectral was a life land marker for me, a totem in of good in my life which I could return to and share with others.

Five years later, things were looking up. Azure Lorica (my non-profit) was doing well, Eugene and I had finally gotten married, I was starting to get a better understanding of what my professional calling was. My curiosity with tea was also at a higher peak than ever. I had gotten my first Tea Sommelier certification, and I found myself investing myself into understanding the tea industry. At the time I was working as a media manager at a very big tea shop, and I found myself learning the process of selling tea on all levels. I was enthralled with the inner workings of it and all of the moving pieces behind the scenes. As a hobby I would start to create my own blends. 

Tea Spectral was waiting corner stage. We were looking for other alternatives to grow our nonprofit. By this point I was blending teas on and off pretty regularly. It was then I thought of creating a business plan for Azure Lorica where I would blend teas that we could turn for a profit to fund more of our events. Much research went into it, and after learning about all the technical details to make this a reality, our non-profit's board overall agreed that it was beneficial not only for myself and in turn the company that I create this tea blending company as a separate entity. It was all there in front of me, a strong support group, years of research and experience, and a tailored business plan. Setting up a business that shared my love of tea with the rest of the world was too good to resist.

So here we are a year later. I'm looking forward to showing a more transparent version of myself and the behind-the-scenes for Tea Spectral on this blog. The Tea Hauntier will allow me to continue the vision and share of positivity of a tea centered lifestyle that I envisioned when I first started it.It will also be wonderful to share a little peak of the process of growing this unique business, in turn allowing me to stay transparent and in check. Thank you so much for joining me!


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