Grant Writing and Sushi

Today marks a big day for Eugene and me. As of early this afternoon we completed our first grant for our theatre non-profit. I didn't want the chance of documenting this day slip past me, so here I am sharing it with all the lovely people of blog land. I wish I could say that I had much to do with this grant, but really it was mostly Eugene's hard work and late night hours. I was busy doing my end of business and work that he was left to fend with this by himself.  It's a miracle that we finished a bit earlier than the deadline, and it just gave us enough time to find a few more to apply to from now into the beginning of the upcoming year.

We are super proud of our loving theatre non-profit that has run so far strictly by donations and volunteers alone. Each year that this company grows I'm just blown away at the amazing incredible things that we've done. On top of Directing/ Producing/ Sponsoring/ Guest Speaking/ ____ (fill in blank), we had to become grant writers ourselves. Something that I will be involved more with the next one.

In the past three years we have gone through four grant writers; all of which had left us for good or bad reasons (That story alone would make quite the short comical play). A thrown table and Producer's frown later, we decided we wanted to take the challenge ourselves. Let me tell you, grant writing is another type of animal that any other writing task. I will say however, representing a cause you truly feel passionate about and putting it to the test is an experience second to none.

To celebrate we went out for a quiet day at our favorite sushi bar. Then we brought home a bottle of bubbly and finished it off with a double chocolate scone. My romance runs dangerously close to business, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

Being here compared to yesterday, has a lifting sensation to it. Thank you for sharing it with us!

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