Autumn Web Cleaning 2014

Hello everyone,
Its been awhile, perhaps too long. Instead of apologizing for my behavior and inserting a bunch of typical feasible excuses, I'd like to explain more over why I've returned to my cyber cozy nook of the internet that I have called teaspectral.

I want to start by saying that I truly enjoyed my time on this site, blogging, and sharing a piece of my life with others. Things got in the way of this part of my life and I regret not keeping it up. There is something very human about personal blogs that I think keeps the online world reminded that in the end, this is about connecting others with a miraculous way. From something as silly as cutting my bangs in the bathroom, to shopping hauls to inspire women of all shapes and walks of life, I am grateful for those that have even paid a visit and witnessed me, a very human soul, do very human things. Thank you from the bottom of my heart visitors and subscribers alike.

I would also like to address that I really did enjoy blogging and I miss it still. Normally one would create a new blog with a new subject (and I've been down that way many a times), but I just can't seem to bring myself to do it. I feel that there is something very brave about facing who you once were, and something braver about connecting them with your current self. This exactly what I intend to do with teaspectral. As much as so much has changed, so much has stayed the same. I must warn you, there are no 'gimmicks' to the return of me writing on the blog. I will continue to try to write what fascinates and inspires me, and yes there will be days where I will be in a rut and I will write sad things. I will say however, in the end you will get to know me very well, both new and the same.

Is it just me or have all the blogs I used to subscribe to simply fallen out of existence? I find that such a pity since I really did enjoy returning to my feed and reading other peoples work. I hope that I find other new bloggers along the way. I've added a picture of the former teaspectral before I revamp and design the site. I consider it beautiful spring cleaning.

Thank you for joining me fellow souls.

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