Crossing Fingers: October 2014

Greetings Everyone,
Happy October to you! In LA, this is when the nights start to get a bit cooler and you realize you're not exactly beading sweat through the day. It's also when a bunch of birds migrate to the area, or they decide to come out here and there. I particularly love the murder of crows that like to come out, along with the sparrows and robins. We also get the Santa Ana Winds, since I live in a canyon they get particularly strong where I live. When they arrive it almost feels like it's a time of cleaning all of the muck that the summer left.

I've been looking forward to the beginning of the month of October, this is for a few reasons. One is Fall is a very magical time here in LA, the weather doesn't change much, but the attitude of the city as a whole does. People seem a bit more contemplative and careful. Second, Halloween is a holiday that I leave to celebrate friendship. Lastly, I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am in surviving until Fall emotionally. Since my wedding in March, things have just seemed to be utterly insane with adjusting to married life. I've taken all of it in, good and bad, with a tougher skin I can proudly say that I've done my best and conquered.

As a tradition on this blog, I'm going to add my Crossing Fingers for this month. I think it reflects a bit of what my goals are overall and the symbolism of constantly changing. Thank you everyone that has come with me on my journey this far. I am blessed to have your support.

Challenges for October 2014:

1. Build a writing routine: Goodness, I'm turning 30 in February (when did that happen!?), I've gotten married, got my degree. All my life goals before I turned 30 have been fulfilled. It's left me a bit lost (another Thoughts post). I realize that as much as the future is mine to take, it's also unknown territory. So I'm turning to my other desires in life: to publish my stories. Stories bring me life, they make me feel complete. You could say that this challenge is more about bringing my stories to life for the rest of the world.

2. Introduce more post topics: I also want to dedicate more time here, as this has become my little corner of the world to share my experiences.I want to add some of my happenings when I did go on blog hiatus, some of  the books I've been reading, and perhaps share more on some topics I can shed some light on from my experiences and my lifestyle. Please let me know if you have any ideas.

3. Go on more walks: I'm a ridiculous hermit when it comes to my weekdays. With an extensive book shelf, working at home, and the not-so-occasional- e shopping and browsing. I'm going to try and just get out more. I'm surrounded by beautiful parks in my area and it's time to make the best of it. I'm also thinking of incorporating this into my meditation routine.

So that's everything! Wish me the best!

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