When Life Gives You Carrots

 One thing I admire about my mom is her choice of friends, in the recent years she has made great friends with a woman and her husband that are very active in helping with charity food banks. It's my mother's relationship with this woman and a little experience in the restaurant industry with my work in the tearoom that has really opened my eyes over how much food our nation wastes. The sad thing is that it's mostly the good wholesome healthy stuff that goes to waste. Yes, the food banks do help, but most of the healthy stuff is often overlooked or they simply just have so much of it that it doesn't all get distributed. So my mom's dear friend gives it to her, where I in turn take it and try to do something with it. This has really gotten me into eating more homemade foods as well as eating seasonally. I also feel great that I'm feeding my family and friends good fresh food.

So once a week, about half way through, my mother will come back from her friends place with something in a ridiculous quantity. Last week it was an entire crate of blueberries on the brim of over ripeness (Oh the blueberry lemon tea cakes I made with them, and the smoothies with the leftovers...). Tonight she had come home with this:

Please look at that bag of carrots in comparison to my cake stand... I realized that there was something that I could do with all of this, so I got myself to work on the juicer. Seeing that these carrots are bigger than the usual ones you get in the grocery store, I had to cut off any of the dark bits and ends after I washed thoroughly, as well as cut them into 1-2 inch chunks. With much success, I was able to make a gallon of juice with half the bag still remaining.

And the taste? It was a bit herb tasting and not as sweet as I'm used to. I remedied that with a little bit of ginger to my carrot cubes. Then I loved it! It seems like ginger in juice seems to be my go to. I'm usually a big juicer/smoothie fan during production seasons. They seem to really keep me on my toes and give me that extra boost of energy I need. Other fruits and veggies I love juicing fresh are beets, kale, pineapple, apples, and watermelon. It goes great with ginger and lemon which I love adding to my mixes.

This juice was such a yummy treat tonight. So fitting with the Easter season upon us.

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